Stacey Breitenbach Ashland Brown Rose Marie Dishman Vern Johnson Gerald Jakubowski Joe O'Brien Brendan O'Toole Richard Phillips Bill Wells Bill Pedler Shashi Sathisan Paul Rainey Lyle B. McCurdy Frank Huband David Clough
Allen Plotkin Frank Owens Carl Rathmann Irwin Drew Floyd LeCureux Jennifer Ross Fred Barez
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 a.m. by Shashi Sathisan, Chair of the Pacific Southwest Section. The Chair introduced a guest, Frank Huband, from ASEE Headquarters. The agenda (Attachment A) was reviewed; no changes were suggested.
The minutes were approved without change.
A list of the current Executive Board membership (July 1997-June 1998) was distributed to the members. (Attachment B.)
A Nomination Committee, consisting of Sathisan, Brown, Rainey and Wells reported their (sic) recomendations. (Attachment C).
A discussion followed concerning the concept of an Executive Advisory Board made up of past officers of the Executive Board. Jerry Jakubowski offered the following motion: "To form an Executive Advisory Committee made up of past Chairs who have served multiple terms on the Board. The appointments would be open-ended." The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Chairman Sathisan gave the Treasurer's Report in the absence of Treasurer Plotkin (Attachment D). A $1000 donation from Hughes Electronics was announced. Rich Phillips will solicit further industry support for the design award. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
Zone IV Chairman, David Clough gave the following report to the Board: The Zone IV meeting is to be held in Denver, Colorado, April 19, 1998. Rose Marie Dishman and Carl Rathmann will attend that meeting on behalf of the PSW Section. The PSW Section needs to nominate an outstanding campus representative. ASEE is considering hiring a consulting firm to increase membership by 50%. ASEE is considering a slight membership fee increase.
The annual meeting of the ASEE in 2003 will be in Salt Lake City, Utah. There will be a meeting of the zone representatives on Wednesday, July 1, 1998 in Seattle at the annual meeting of the ASEE.
Frank Huband reported that ASEE's new information system will allow ASEE to determine information on new Ph.D. graduates. Free membership will be given to those graduates who fill out membership forms. He also reported that new material is continuously being put on the ASEE homepage on the web. A CD is being prepared on the Journal of Engineering Education and will be put on the web site. ASEE is also considering putting Prism on the web. ASEE will present cash awards for the best paper at the annual meeting in Seattle. Also, ASEE is considering renewal of the NSF Visiting Fellows Program. The IRI Faculty Fellows Summer Program is active. Jerry Jakubowski reported that Loyola University had had a site visit associated with the ASEE program. The visitor was Gloria Rogers who presented an excellent program.
Rich Phillips reported on the joint 1998 ELC-PSW Meeting (Attachment E). He suggested that the person who organizes the annual PSW meeting should be the Vice Chair of Meetings during the year prior to the meeting. This was part (sic) in the form of a motion which was passed by the Board. Some details of the 1998 Annual PSW Meeting:
Chairman Sathisan made the motion: "That the ASEE/PSW cover any overcosts of the annual meeting at Harvey Mudd College up to $1000." Motion passed. A similar motion was made and passed to cover the 1999 annual conference to be held at UNLV in a similar manner.
Brendan O'Toole (organizer of 1999 annual conference) passed out a Call for Papers (attachment F).
Rich Phillips reported that the student projects were very good. He suggested that the Board promote this particular competition and that students should be encouraged to submit early through a preliminary call for projects, perhaps by email.
At this point a motion was made by Chairman Sathisan to recognize Jennifer Ross for her good service to the Section. The motion passed.
Frank Owens was not present to present a report.
Brendan O'Toole reported that he will be trying to encourage more participation from the faculty for the next annual conference.
Vern Johnson reported that email should be used to inform faculty about the benefits of membership in ASEE. He further noted that the Prism magazine had been helpful in recruiting new faculty.
Jennifer Ross was not present to present a report.
Floyd LeCureux was not present to present a report. Chairman Sathisan noted his good work for the Section.
Joe O'Brien suggested a dialogue between colleges of engineering and Hewlett-Packard (HP) relative to feedback on student performance. Further, how can HP better advise the Colleges on their expectations of our graduates? He mentioned that HP will participate at the annual ASEE meeting in Seattle in June, 1998.
Paul Rainey noted that at the last ASEE meeting a check list for campus representatives was developed. Paul will provide a name of a nominee for the Outstanding Campus Representative for Dave Clough to take forward to the ASEE.
This was discussed earlier in the meeting
June 28-July 1, 1998.
So noted.
April 19, 1998.
So noted.
None discussed.
It was noted that the 1998 Fall meeting of the PSW Board will be held at Cabrillo College.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m.
(Added June 11. 1998 eew)